Monday, August 11, 2014

Tunnels of Love?

As at the event on Oricon there were more people participating at the tunnel event than expected. We had at the peak time around 60 people fighting against each other and a very messy teamspeak channel
(If the event had been called "Tunnels of Love" as I planed it for some time there might have been more).
Hardly any innocent questers got harmed.
The event started with the republic being slightly stronger than the empire. But it only took a few moments until the empire managed to strike back. Just to be overpowered by the Republic at the end - this was mainly caused by many imperial players leaving.
The fights lasted for about 2.5 hours with the republic sneaking into the imperial base at the end.

Many thanks to everybody who took part and helped to promote the event. Here some screenshots. If you took some yourself feel free to link them in the comments or to send them to me. I will happily publish them here. Also check out the ones Zyera from the guild New OutRiders took: Zyera's Blog

The next open world pvp event I will host will take place on Hoth at 6th September.

But here the screenshots:

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